08 juuli 2009

Ilsa - pegs

Nagu lubatud, lihvisingi tallaaluseid ja lisasin 4-millimeetrisest vasktorust "tapid", millega kuju hakkab alusele kinnituma ja mille kaudu toimub ka vaigu valamine.

Kui aus olla, siis kirjutamishetkel on kuju peale taaskordset lihvimist ja mikroskoopilist iluravi ahjus tollega ühes jahtumas. Ja tegelikult ongi ta sellega valmis...

Made little pegs from 4 mm copper tube and added them to the boots. Connection to the base will be made with them, they also work as channels for resin and air in the mould.

I also made some sanding and several microscopic retouches here and there. On last days Ilsa has been in and out of oven several times every day... At the moment of writing she's also in oven, cooling down with it. It looks like it may have been the last baking for a while... It just looks like she is finally ready.

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