13 september 2009

Daily Deviation! Again!

Avastasin täna ootamatult, et eile ei toimunud mitte ainult Helsinki Koomiksifestivalil kondamine koos paari cooli kohtumisega, vaid midagi juhtus samal ajal ka internetis. Nimelt on taas üks mu kuju - Hellboy, täpsemalt foto sellest, valitud deviantART'is "päeva väärastuseks", ehk siis "Daily Deviationiks"!

Mis on Daily Deviation? FAQ-st saab lugeda:

The Daily Deviation is a daily staff feature chosen from the galleries here on deviantART.

The selecting administrator may be a Volunteer Gallery Moderator or other staff/volunteer member who has been granted the necessary access to the special selection tools.

A small assortment of submissions are chosen each day by this select group of staff/volunteer members who wish to showcase an image which they found impressive or otherwise interesting enough to deserve being brought to the attention of the community-at-large. It is important to note that selections need not be of professional quality in order to be featured for the day.

Mis see tähendab siis seda, et ma olen nüüd tegija? Huvitav, kuidas panna see ka rahakotis kajastuma?...

Wow, yesterday, when we were in Helskinki looking around on comics festival, I got my second Daily Deviation in http://www.deviantart.com! Really, like, wow...

1 kommentaar:

Elina ütles ...

ma arvan küll, et see tähendab,et sa oled nüüd ka ametlikult tegija:D