17 detsember 2008


Ok, a new Ilsa image. I hate it sometimes - had some perfect folds finished for jacket. And then, as there were areas I needed to work on before baking... I just over-worked the folds I already had. Stupid, stupid, STUPID! So, started over. That's the area near the left hand, it's still not as cool as it was, after several hours of trying.

Saw Bryan Singer's Valkyrie today, lots of uniforms there...

It looks like right leg needs small rotating... Will try. Changed boot and buckles, so they are different on this photo. This statue was in sculpting limbo for maybe a year, some parts unbaked. So, it dried and now there are several deep cracks in the head I need to fix. Also, when I finally baked it, the right side of the hair was not as detailed as it should be. So, lots of work to do there too.

I made a temp eye and it looks that the problem is not that much the narrow jawline but the eye - it's too wide. Smaller eye looked better.

And - got an idea how to make the base - poster tube. More about it later.

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